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I recently became a beekeeper and it has been a fascinating hobby.  I love those little insects.  Here is a picture of one of my frames with my queen!20160510_132816

After doing a lot of research and watching almost every online video on the subject, my advice to you if you are getting into it is to purchase a professional course.  There is a lot of bad information out there from some well intentioned but inexperienced beekeepers.  There is a lot to know and you keep learning as you go.  A good place to start is Beekeeping 101, by Nick Winters.  He has a guide available online that is very inexpensive and comes with a lot of free extras.  You can purchase his course by clicking here:

Make Money Online. The Best System I’ve Found.

Making money online can be difficult.  There are a lot of systems out there that will have you chasing your own tail.  The best system I’ve found, which requires only a small investment and no technical expertise is Google Sniper.  You can have a site up that can start generating income from your computer in a few hours.  This is a real system with real income potential if you are willing to put forth some effort.  This is not a get rich quick scheme!  It requires work, but not as much as you would think.  If you want to make money with no effort or want to rely on luck, look somewhere else.

Click here to get started: